NWHU urges following virus control measures over the holiday period

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Stay at home if you’re unwell.

That’s the message from Northwestern Health Unit Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kit Young Hoon as we move into a busy holiday season.

Young Hoon encourages everyone to continue following virus control measures over the holiday period.  In a public statement Young Hoon said “we continue to see moderate to high rates of viral respiratory illness throughout our region caused by several viruses including influenza, COVID-19 and RSV.”

Here’s a checklist to follow if you or those in your household are unwell:

  • Stay home when first sick with a fever or body aches
  • Get your flu shot and COVID-19 booster shot if you have not yet done so. Vaccination helps prevent serious illness
  • Take the provincial on-line self-assessment if you have any symptoms of illness or tested positive for COVID-19
  • If you test positive for COVID-19 you might be eligible for anti-viral medication. Check online at: https://www.ontario.ca/covid-treatment-screener

Some links to guide self-care and family care:


Media contact:
Donna Stanley
Program Manager, Infectious Disease
Northwestern Health Unit
