About Us
Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) is the most westerly of Ontario’s 34 public health units, serving part of the Kenora district and the entire Rainy River district.
Our catchment area stretches across 173,828 square kilometres, about one-fifth of the Province of Ontario. This area includes 19 municipalities; 39 First Nations communities; and two unincorporated/unorganized territories, which include Kenora Unorganized and Rainy River Unorganized.
The region has a dispersed population of approximately 82,000. Our catchment area has a population density of approximately 0.5 people per square kilometre, compared with the provincial average of 14.1 people per square kilometre.
Using a distributed services model, we have offices in 12 municipalities that work to provide services across the region.
Sources of information about our area and demographics include: Statistics Canada.
Our culture
We work to create an organisational culture that is respectful, professional, and equitable in order to help guide our work at all levels.
Our mission, vision, and values
Our mission
Improve the quality and length of life in our communities: healthy lifestyles, longer lives, lived well.
Our vision
We are recognized as a valued and integral partner in health.
Our values
We treat all people with respect and dignity, and value diversity and inclusiveness.
We act with honesty and adhere to the highest ethical principles as an organization and as public health professionals. We are accountable for our actions and embrace transparency to empower public scrutiny.
We recognize that some people or groups do not have the same opportunities as others for health and success because of systemic discrimination. We actively work to change these policies, practices and structures, internally and in society, to achieve equality of opportunity for all.
Our ethical code of conduct
- We treat all people with respect, fairness and dignity.
- We value diversity and inclusiveness, and recognize the benefit of combining the unique qualities and strengths inherent in diverse teams and communities.
- We create and maintain safe and healthy workplaces and communities that are free from harassment and discrimination.
- We work together in a spirit of openness, honesty and transparency that encourages engagements, collaboration and respectful communication
- We act with honesty and adhere to the highest ethical principles as an organization and as public health professionals. We are accountable for our actions and embrace transparency to empower public scrutiny.
- We do not use our roles/resources to inappropriately obtain an advantage for ourselves, or to the advantage or disadvantage of others.
- We take all possible steps to prevent and resolve any real, apparent or potential conflicts of interest between our official responsibilities and our private affairs, in favour of the public interest.
- We act in such a way as to maintain the trust of our employer and the public.
- We recognize that some people or groups do not have the same opportunities as others for health and success because of systemic discrimination.
- We actively work to change these policies, practices and structures, internally and in society, to achieve equality of opportunity for all.
Client/customer focus
- We value all of our clients and customers. We are committed to providing excellent customer service in every aspect of our business.
- We provide clients with information about their rights, responsibilities and options to support informed decision-making.
- We provide meaningful opportunities for our clients and the communities we serve to provide input into our planning and evaluation processes.
Operational excellence
- We provide fair, timely, efficient and effective services.
- We continually improve the quality of policies, programs and services we provide.
- We foster an environment that promotes teamwork, learning and innovation.
- We uphold professional standards of conduct, provide services within our scope and competence, accept appropriate responsibility for their behaviour, and adapt our methods to the needs of different service users and communities.
- We engage in lifelong learning to maintain and improve our professional knowledge, skills and attitudes.
- We reflect on how our experiences, attitudes, culture, beliefs, values, social context, individual differences, specific training, and stresses influence our interactions with others and integrate this awareness into our efforts to benefit, and not harm others.
- We safeguard personal, health, family, corporate, and community information obtained in the context of our work. Members are aware and respectful of privacy laws designed to protect and preserve people’s right to privacy.
- We maintain an awareness of, and adhere to, all legislation, regulations, policies and procedures that govern our work.
Our structure
We have many teams that work collaboratively to help deliver public health effectively and efficiently.
Our organizational chart
The Board of Health approves our organizational chart; we review it every two years and revise it as necessary.

Our management team
Title | Name | |
Medical Officer of Health | Dr. Kit Young Hoon | kyounghoon@nwhu.on.ca |
Chief Executive Officer | Marilyn Herbacz | mherbacz@nwhu.on.ca |
Director of Corporate Services | Alexie Schussler | aschussler@nwhu.on.ca |
Director of Health Promotion | Alex Berry | aberry@nwhu.on.ca |
Director of Health Protection; Sexual Health & Harm Reduction Manager | Donna Stanley | dstanley@nwhu.on.ca |
Chronic Disease Prevention and School Health Manager | Julie Slack | jslack@nwhu.on.ca |
Communications & Substance Use and Injury Prevention Manager | Jessica Kivell | jkivell@nwhu.on.ca |
Dental Health Manager | Dawn Sauvé | dsauve@nwhu.on.ca |
Environmental Health & Smoke-free Ontario Manager | Thomas Nabb | tnabb@nwhu.on.ca |
Family Health Manager | Miranda Sigurdson | msigurdson@nwhu.on.ca |
Human Resources Manager | Judy Lynch | jlynch@nwhu.on.ca |
Infectious Diseases Manager | Sandra Krikke | skrikke@nwhu.on.ca |
I.T. & Operations Manager | Lee Pitt | lpitt@nwhu.on.ca |
Speech, Hearing & Vision Manager | Tricia Wearne | twearne@nwhu.on.ca |
Vaccine Preventable Diseases Manager | Shannon Brown | sbrown@nwhu.on.ca |
Our managers are a committed and passionate group that look to lead others in bettering the health of our communities.