For Professionals
We work with healthcare professionals; schools and educators; as well as local business owners and operators to help keep our communities safe and healthy.
Food Safety for Professionals
As a public health unit, we provide a variety of resources and services to professionals in the food service industry …
For Emergency Service Professionals
As a public health unit, we provide a variety of resources and services to emergency service professionals in our catchment …
For Health Care Professionals
As a public health unit, we provide a variety of resources and services to healthcare professionals (HCP) to help you …
For Personal Service Setting Operators
As a public health unit, we provide a variety of resources and services to personal service setting (PSS) professionals. Personal …
For Recreational Water Facility Operators
Under the Recreational Water Protocol, 2019, we are required to inspect public recreational water facilities such as pools, spas, wading …
For Schools and Educators
We work with students, parents and guardians, school staff, and communities to offer a wide variety of school health programming …
For Sewage and Land Development Professionals
When installing a sewage system or developing land, there are a number of regulations and guidelines that you must follow …
For Small Drinking Water Systems Operators
Premises that are not on municipal water systems must have a Small Drinking Water System (SDWS) installed to make their …
For Tobacco and Vapour Product Vendors
We work to ensure that all retail vendors that sell tobacco and/or vapour products do so safely as well as …
Infection Prevention and Control Information and Resources
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) practices are evidence-based actions and procedures that, when applied consistently, can prevent or reduce the …
Referrals for Public Health Services
To refer clients to some of our services, please use the following: …