For Schools and Educators

We work with students, parents and guardians, school staff, and communities to offer a wide variety of school health programming and services. Our objective is to foster healthy growth and development while collaborating with school boards to encourage positive behaviours in a nurturing educational environment.

For more information or to access our programs and services in your school, please contact your local health unit office or email

What we do

We provide the following services for and in schools.

Comprehensive school health planning

OPHEA Healthy Schools Certification

We help schools enhance health and well-being through certification and support for healthy school committees. Learn more about certification and register in the fall at

Parent engagement

We attend parent involvement committee meetings and offer support to local school councils including attending meetings and supporting parent events on request.

Student engagement

We can assist student-led groups in promoting wellness initiatives.

School health data collection

We support data collection and guide schools in using data for healthy school planning.

Hints for Healthy Schools Educator Newsletter

We share resources, programs, and opportunities in a quarterly newsletter.

Clinical services

Oral health

Registered Dental Hygienists and Dental Health Educators visit schools every year to provide dental screenings for elementary students. For more information along with the schedule, visit our Dental Screenings and Clinics page.

We also provide preventive services including free fluoride varnish, sealants, and cleaning to eligible students with consent as well as help eligible families access dental care for children 0-17 through Healthy Smiles Ontario.

Toothbrushing program

If you would like to help improve the dental health of your students, we can help! Our dental staff will bring all of the supplies right to your classroom to set up a toothbrushing program. Tooth brushing programs help children get the benefits of brushing twice a day. Contact us for more information at 1-855-407-6453.

Immunization program

We track student vaccinations to ensure adherence to the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) and offer immunizations as per the Ontario publicly funded immunization schedule. Parents and guardians are notified of school clinic dates and can provide their consent online.

Sexual health clinics

We offer confidential sexual health counseling and services. Clinics are available in some secondary schools and in our health unit offices. For more information along with the schedule, visit our Sexual Health Clinics page.

Food and nutrition

To learn more about food and nutrition programs, email

Northern Fruit and Vegetable Program (NFVP) (Grades K-8)

NFVP provides fresh produce each week from January to June for elementary students, with an emphasis on Ontario-grown produce. It helps school-aged children to like, accept, and eat fruit and vegetables and encourages active living and healthy lifestyles.

Student Nutrition Program (SNP)

SNP provides funding and support for school-based meal and snack programs to children and youth to support healthy growth and development. Funding partners include the Ministry of Children; Community and Social Services; Breakfast Club of Canada; The Grocery Foundation and other donations and grants. To find out more, email or visit our Student Nutrition Program page.

Nutrition on Weekends (NOW)

NOW discreetly provides food packages for food-insecure students on Fridays. NWHU coordinates the program that is delivered locally in partnership with funders, schools, and community partners.

You’re the Chef (YTC) (Grades 4-8)

YTC is a fun-filled four-session program that teaches basic cooking and food handling skills. We train YTC leaders (volunteers, educators, and/or school community members) to run the program in a school or community setting. The training is free, but schools must purchase their own ingredients.

Positive school food culture

We consult with schools on food policies and guidelines, menu planning, and ideas for healthy fundraising, rewards, and classroom celebrations. Registered Dietitians offer professional development for educators on food and health, weight-inclusive and food-neutral classrooms, and provide links to health and physical education curriculum supports.

Promoting Positive Body Image: A Resource for Educators is a resource that supports school staff and others in promoting positive body image and relationships with food for children and youth. It offers teaching tools, tips, and resources to guide staff in addressing weight-based bullying and what to do if concerned about a student’s eating. You can access the resource here: Promoting Positive Body Image: A Resource for Educators.

BrightBites (Teacher-led K-8 resources)

The BrightBites website promotes healthy eating and offers lesson plans, activities, and resources that are fun, easy, and rewarding. It includes suggestions for student nutrition programs, cooking programs, edible gardens, healthy fundraising, and more. Ontario Dietitians in Public Health developed the resource.

Safe Food Handler Course

Ontario Food Premises Regulation 493/17 requires that all food premises, including schools serving food, have at least one food handler or supervisor on-site during operational hours who has obtained a provincially approved Safe Food Handler certificate. You can find course and registration information on our Safe Food Handler Course page or our online course option.

Healthy growth and development

Classroom presentations (Grades 4-12)

Public Health Nurses can present for students grade 4 and up on the topics of puberty; healthy sexuality; birth control; pregnancy and parenting; sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. These presentations are available by request and when capacity allows.

Educators can also access lesson plans to support teaching human development and sexual health from Ophea.

LBGT2SQ+ supports

We provide inclusive, positive services for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations as well as participate in student Rainbow Alliance groups. Support is individual to the community and available upon request when capacity allows.

Always Changing & Growing Up (Grades 5-8 teacher-led resource)

Always Changing & Growing Up is a free, downloadable resource for teaching adolescent growth and development, personal hygiene, and healthy, active living. Always Changing & Growing Up includes a leader guide, parent/guardian guide, student guide, worksheets, quizzes, and other fun resources. Ophea and PHE Canad endorses and promotes this program. You can find out more by visiting

Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)

Northwestern Health Unit’s Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program is for families with children 0-6 years old. Our staff can share information and resources to support healthy growth and development, including assisting families with referrals and access to community programs.

Physical activity

Playground Activity Leaders in School (PALS)

We train students in grades 5-7 to lead activities at recess. Program goals are to decrease bullying and increase physical activity levels. All children are encouraged to participate, no matter their gender, size, or ability.

Playground stencils

Schools can borrow playground stencil games to promote physical activity. With each stencil, we include application and game instructions. Schools are required to supply the paint and the painters.

Active and safe routes to school

We support school planning and promoting activities related to active transportation for students, to encourage walking and biking to school.

Mental wellness

PreVenture Program (Grades 7-9)

An evidence-based prevention program that uses brief, personality-focused workshops to promote mental health as well as delay substance use among youth. This program aims to equip young people with self-efficacy and cognitive behavioural skills to help them cope with the numerous developmental challenges that many adolescents face. For more information visit the PreVenture Program website,

NWHU has received funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada for a 2-year project to train facilitators and support schools and community partners to deliver the program for youth.

Teacher support and classroom resources

We work with school board Mental Health Leaders and can help with positive mental health promotion activities.

Workplace wellness

We provide presentations for school staff, support for workplace wellness initiatives, and workplace wellness policy development to help your school foster a culture of mental wellness in the workplace.

Substance use prevention

Vaping prevention

For information and resources about vaping prevention, visit our Vaping Education and Prevention page.

Weed Out the Risk (WOTR) (Grades 9-12)

This 70-minute interactive presentation explains the risks of driving while high or being a passenger with a driver who has used cannabis. A trained facilitator educates youth in a non-judgmental, inclusive way using a harm-reduction approach. The presentation includes games, discussion questions, videos, and scenarios.

Alcohol and cannabis goggles

We offer this hands-on activity at school events to show how using cannabis and alcohol affects vision, discouraging driving while impaired or riding with an impaired driver.

Health Canada Experiences (Grades 7-12)

Educators can sign up for an in-class virtual experience that will engage students with activities, quizzes, and Q and A sessions.

  • “Pursue your Passion” educates on the risks of cannabis use on mental health and brain function
  • “Know More Opioids” engages students on the facts surrounding the overdose crisis, opioids, fentanyl, naloxone, and stigma
  • “Consider the Consequences of Vaping” is also available and is an online self-led module for youth

Health Canada Experiences are available in English and French; you can learn more by visiting

Understanding substance use Educators guide

Schools play a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of young people. Beyond supporting academic learning, they offer a safe environment for personal and social development. Additionally, schools are pivotal in helping youth establish lower-risk substance use behaviors. For more information, visit the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction’s ‘Understanding Substance Use Educator’s Guide’ page.

Enforcing the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

To protect from the harms of second-hand smoke, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 bans all smoking and vaping on school grounds, and within 20 metres of the grounds. We educate schools and students on the laws and expectations surrounding tobacco and e-cigarettes on school property. We support school board policy and procedure related to SFOA, 2017 and provide the following enforcement resources for school administrators:

For more information, visit our Tobacco and Vaping page.

Personal safety and injury prevention

Infection Prevention

Practising good hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and staying home when unwell are simple ways to reduce the spread of germs and break a link in the chain of infection. You can find cleaning and disinfection guidance and downloadable posters on our Cleaning Protocols for Schools and Child Care Settings page.

Glo Germ Kits

Your school has a glo germ kit to help students learn proper handwashing. We can offer resources and additional consumable supplies to support the use of the kits in your classroom.

Staying safe with needles

We offer safe needle pick-up kits for schools to use in case they find a needle. You can view Naloxone training and safe needle pick-up instruction videos on our YouTube channel. For more information, you can also visit our Harm Reduction page, view the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Additions Educator Guide, and the Talking to Kids About Needles resource:

Brain Waves (Grades 4-6)

This half-day neuroscience presentation educates students on the importance of protecting the brain and spinal cord and provides simple strategies to prevent and recognize injury. For more information, visit Brain Waves – Parachute (

Ultraviolet Beads (Grades K-8)

Activity for students to learn about UV radiation, its impacts on the body, and how students can protect themselves. We provide the beads and information about sun safety.

Bike Rodeos (Grades K-8)

NWHU can participate in bike rodeos in partnership with community enforcement agencies to educate students on road safety and proper helmet use.

Need more information?

Last modified: 4 March 2025