For Sewage and Land Development Professionals

When installing a sewage system or developing land, there are a number of regulations and guidelines that you must follow.

Installing sewage systems

Anyone installing a sewage system must follow regulations set out in Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code Act. S.O. 1992. Permits are required for all systems except for Class 1 systems.  

Installers and homeowners must complete a sewage permit application form and submit it with the appropriate fee (see related documents below). A Public Health Inspector will be in touch to arrange an initial inspection of the site. Once that has been completed and approved, you can continue to work to install the system. Once you have installed the system and before covering it up, another inspection is required to ensure that the system installed is what was approved for that property. 

A Certificate of Completion is issued for approved systems.  

For more information on installing a sewage system, call 1-800-830-5978 or email

Licensed Installers

To design and install on-site sewage systems, you need to obtain a license, called a Building Code Identification Number (BCIN). In order to obtain a BCIN, you must pass the appropriate written exam. Anyone writing a Building Code exam for the first time will require a BCIN in order to register for the exam.

To get your license, you must:

  1. Apply for a BCIN if you don’t already have one. 
  2. Check the online exam schedule and choose your preferred date and location to write your exam. 
  3. Register to write your exam.  
  4. Write the exam. You will need to bring a photo I.D. and your Official Registration Receipt. Exams consist of 75 multiple choice questions and the passing grade is 70%. 
  5. You will have your exam results within 14 days. 
  6. Register yourself and your business.  

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Last modified: 30 January 2025