Omicron variant detected in NWHU region
Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) has received confirmation that two positive cases in the region were infected with the omicron variant. These are the first known omicron cases in the NWHU area. One case was detected in Kenora, the other in Dryden.
Both cases were travel related.
Due to the sequencing process to identify the omicron variant in positive tests, the people who had the omicron variant end their isolation periods today and can no longer spread the virus. The omicron variant is highly transmissible and public health officials expect to see more omicron cases locally in the days ahead. “Omicron is here, and we need to take the threat seriously so our health system can effectively manage the potential for an increase in hospitalizations. Having two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine offers some protection against hospitalization, while a booster dose of the vaccine offers protection against infection. Please get vaccinated if you’re eligible, either at one of our clinics, at a pharmacy, or from your health care provider,” says Dr. Kit Young Hoon, Medical Officer of Health at NWHU.
For more information about eligibility and how to book an appointment, visit:
Media contact:
Dr. Kit Young Hoon
Medical Officer of Health
Northwestern Health Unit