Results of MNP review sees NWHU add director level classifications

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Over the last ten months Northwestern Health Unit has worked with MNP Business Consulting on a management review project. The objective of the project was to do a deep dive into organizational needs at the management level.

As the COVID-19 response decreased, other public health issues have arisen. Workloads have increased and  problems have become more complex not to mention the need to deal with a sizeable backlog of public health services. Furthermore, provincial reporting requirements have significantly changed and require a much greater time commitment.

On Oct 27, 2023, the Board of Health accepted the recommendation from the project to add a director level classification to the organizational management structure. As such NWHU will be looking to add a Director of Health Promotion, Director of Health Protection, and a Director of Corporate Services in the coming months.

NWHU undertaking this organizational review is consistent with what’s happening in the broader health care sector. Marilyn Herbacz, CEO says “all sectors are facing challenges with recruitment of professional staff and greatly increased management workloads.”

Funding for these positions will be met within the existing budget.

NWHU is a flat-line organization meaning there is now just one level of managers. All staff report directly to managers, and managers report to the NWHU executive leaders. During the pandemic and coming out of it, there were capacity issues identified which warranted a change in structure. “A director classification will mean a balanced workload at the management and senior management levels, support more cross team collaboration and will allow for advancement in the organization,” added Herbacz.


Media Contact
Marilyn Herbacz
Chief Executive Officer
Northwestern Health Unit
