Risk of COVID-19 exposure in Dryden

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Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) has identified that there was a low-level risk of COVID-19 exposure in many business locations throughout Dryden between March 9 and March 24, 2021. All individuals who had high-risk exposure to COVID-19 have been notified and given specific instructions.

Anyone who has shopped in Dryden since March 9, 2021, who has developed cold or flu-like symptoms may have been infected with COVID-19 without knowing it. If you or anyone in your household has developed even one symptom of COVID-19 since March 16, 2021, the whole household must self-isolate immediately and get tested. This includes those whose symptoms have improved as they can still spread the virus to others.

All residents should complete the self-assessment tool to determine whether they should get tested. When completing the tool, please note that only individuals who NWHU has contacted are considered “high risk contacts”.

If your assessment indicates that you should be tested, contact the Dryden assessment centre for an appointment at 223-3737 or assess@drhc.on.ca.

If pending test results show evidence of spread within a business where the public may
have been at risk, NWHU will release this information to the public.

This is a good reminder to the public that we must remain vigilant with prevention measures. Wearing a mask, staying 2 metres from others, and washing our hands often are proven methods to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Media contact:
Dr. Kit Young Hoon
Medical Officer of Health
Northwestern Health Unit
