Workplace Outbreak in Fort Frances

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Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) is declaring a workplace outbreak at McMunn and Yates in Fort Frances. A workplace outbreak means that there are at least two cases of COVID-19 in the workplace, we cannot rule out that transmissions happened in the workplace, and that there is a chance that others in the workplace may have been exposed.

NWHU’s follow up includes:

  • Contacting all positive cases to make sure they self-isolate and find out if they had any close contacts during the time they were infectious.
  • Contacting all people identified as close contacts of the positive cases to provide them with support, ask them to self-isolate, and arrange testing.
  • Working with the workplace to prevent further transmission.

All individuals who had high-risk exposure to COVID-19 are being notified and given specific instructions.

Low-risk exposure:

Though the risk to the public remains low, anyone who shopped at McMunn and Yates in Fort
Frances between April 17th and April 22nd, 2021 who has developed cold or flu-like symptoms may have been infected with COVID-19 without knowing it

If you or anyone in your household has developed even one symptom of COVID-19, the whole household must self-isolate and the person with symptoms should get tested.

If you developed symptoms during this time that have improved or resolved you should isolate for 10 days after symptom onset and still consider getting tested.

Contact the Fort Frances Assessment Centre for an appointment at 274-3261 ext. 4913.

This is a good reminder to the public that we must remain vigilant with prevention measures. Wearing a mask, staying 2 meters from others, and washing our hands often are proven methods to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Media contact:
Dr. Kit Young Hoon
Medical Officer of Health
Northwestern Health Unit
