Our Services
Blind-Low Vision (0-6)
Children’s emotional, social, and physical development has a direct effect on their overall development throughout their lives. The ability to …
Dental Health
We provide a wide range of dental services to help improve the oral health of our communities. What we do …
Eating and Nutrition
Eating well helps you to feel good. It can lower your risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, …
Emergencies and Being Prepared
Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. Things like extreme weather events, forest fires, floods, and outbreaks of viruses …
Environmental Diseases and Infections
Pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi, cause infectious diseases. These diseases can spread from the environment or from …
Environmental Health Hazards
The Environmental Health team responds to complaints of health hazards in public spaces as well provides education and consultation regarding …
Food Safety
Food safety is important for everyone. Handling, storing, and preparing food safely protects us from getting sick with a foodborne …
Harm Reduction
Harm reduction practices are evidence-based public health policies and strategies designed to reduce the harms associated with drug use and …
Health Equity
Health equity and health equality do not mean the same thing. Equality means giving everyone the same thing, whereas equity …
Inspection Disclosures
We disclose inspection results online through our ChooseWise website or by reporting them directly on our Inspections and Enforcement Results …
Mental Health Supports
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health! Are you looking for some support? Here are some …
On-Site Disclosures and Inspections
We complete inspections in a variety of locations and share that information with you in order to help keep you …
Parenting Support
Being a parent is a big responsibility. Raising children is complicated and most parents could use a bit of help …
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
By being aware of the hazards in our environment and learning to protect ourselves, we can help to prevent injuries …
Personal Service Settings
Personal Service Settings (PSS) are businesses that provide services like manicures, pedicures, waxing, facials, hair design, tattoos, piercings, acupuncture, tanning …
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
You need physical activity for physical, emotional, and mental wellness. Regular physical activity can help you to feel strong, be …
Pregnancy and Expecting Parents
Preparing for a baby can be both an exciting and challenging time and you may have many questions. We offer …
Preschool Speech and Infant Hearing
We offer speech and language assessments and interventions for children from birth until they enter school. Children may be referred …
Safe Drinking Water
We need safe water for drinking, cooking, washing fruits and vegetables, doing dishes, and bathing. Drinking water can come from …
Safe Recreational Water
We inspect public recreational water facilities to ensure they are safe for the public to enjoy. This includes public pools, …
Sewage and Land Development
Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) issues building permits (“Sewage Permits”) for on-site sewage systems and performs related inspections required by the …
Sexual Health
Our sexual health clinics provide free, confidential sexual health counselling, support and services. What we do Some of Northwestern Health …
Substance Use Prevention
Substance use prevention aims to prevent or delay the use of legal and illegal substances, such as alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, …
Tobacco and Vaping
We work to ensure that all retail vendors that sell commercial tobacco and/or vaping products do so safely as well …
Vaccines and Immunizations
Vaccines, or immunizations, prevent the spread of disease from one person to another. They help to create antibodies to fight …