Where to get food in our region

The following shows different locations to access food throughout our region.

If you notice information that is missing or that is incorrect, please email nutrition@nwhu.on.ca.

TitleCommunityDescriptionCategoryContact InformationLocation: Street
Dryden Food BankDryden*Call ahead to get a food hamper.
Open for calls Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 9:00am
Pick-up Monday/Wednesday/Friday after 12:00pm
Food Bank807-223-388162 Queen St
Dryden Community TableDrydenFree dinner every Tuesday & Wednesday from 4:00-6:00pm
Drop-in, open to all
Free/Low-Cost Food23 Van Horne Ave
Go Getters Activity CentreDryden$10 lunch Monday-Friday from 11:30am-12:30pmFree/Low-Cost Food807-223-593784 St Charles St
Dryden Native Friendship CentreDrydenBagged lunches Monday-Wednesday & Friday from 11:30-1:00pm
Hot lunch on Thursdays from 11:30-1:00pm
Offers other food access support and programs - contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food1-888-838-363274 Queen St
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)DrydenSnacks and drinks available Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-3:00pm
Lunch program every 2nd Wednesday
Free/Low-Cost Food807-223-884152 Van Horne Ave
Adult & Teen ChallengeDrydenDrop-in - coffee, tea & snacks available
Monday/Thursday/Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm
Tuesdays from 12:00-6:00pm, Wednesdays from 10:00am-4:00pm
Free/Low-Cost Food208-223-695734 King St
Meals on WheelsDrydenMeal delivery - call to confirm eligibility and sign-up for meals
Monday-Friday between 4:00-5:00pm
$6/meal - can accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies. Frozen meals available
Free/Low-Cost Food807-223-5278
Atikokan Community Food BankAtikokan1st & 3rd Monday/Thursday of each month from 1:00-2:30pm
Can be accessed once per month per household
Non-perishable food items and grocery store vouchers for perishable food
Food Bank208-597-6871109 Main St W
Faith Lutheran Church Food BankAtikokan2nd & 4th Monday of each month from 1:00-2:00pm
Drop-in - non-perishable food items
Food Bank208-597-4225418 O'Brien St
Meals on WheelsAtikokanMeal delivery - call to confirm eligibility and sign-up for meals
Monday-Friday for lunch and/or dinner. Includes Soup, Entree and Dessert.
Free/Low-Cost Food1-807-274-2043
Atikokan Native Friendship CentreAtikokanOffers various food access support and programs - contact for more detailsFree/Low-Cost Food807-597-1213307-309 Main St W
United Native Friendship CentreFort FrancesFood bank: open Monday-Friday from 10am-3pm. Closed 12-1pm.
Offers food access support for clients in their regular programming.
*Call or visit for program eligibility.
Food Bank;#Free/Low-Cost Food807-274-8541427 Mowat Ave
Salvation Army Food BankFort Frances*Must become a client to access food.
Call ahead of time. Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm.
Food Bank807-291-0012242 Scott St
Family CentreFort FrancesFood bank and hot meals everyday - soup, sandwiches, fruit, and beverages.
Open Monday-Sunday. Summer Hours: 11am-3pm; Winter Hours: 9am-8pm.
Free/Low-Cost Food;#Food Bank807-274-9555140 4th St W
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)Fort FrancesPeer support drop-in - free lunch program from 11:30am-1pm or until food runs out. Every 2nd Wednesday.
*Must do an intake with the Peer Support Workers to become eligible.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-274-2347612 Portage Ave
Gizhewaadiziwin Health Access CentreFort FrancesMaada'ookii - free food shelf, Indigenous/Metis priority. Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. One visit per month.
Healthy Living Food Boxes - monthly fruit and vegetable food box program. $25/month. Call GHAC for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-274-31311460 Idylwild Dr
Sioux Lookout Food BankSioux LookoutFood hamper delivery within municipal boundary, including Alcona and Hudson.
*Call or email siouxfoodbank@gmail.com for eligibility.
Food Bank807-738-6896
Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship centreSioux LookoutFree dinner every Thursday for culture night from 5-7pm.
Occasionally offers other food access support and programs. Contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-737-190352 King St
Meals on WheelsSioux LookoutMeal delivery - Monday-Friday between 11:30am-12:30pm (lunch).
$6.50/meal - can accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies.
*Call to confirm eligibility and sign up.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-737-3142
Nahnahda-wee-ee-waywin Emergency ShelterSioux LookoutDrop-in open 24/7 - offers free meals, priority for people staying overnight.Free/Low-Cost Food807-737-484815 Fair St
Emo Food BankEmoOpen 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1-3pm.Food Bank807-482-270023 Colonization St
Rainy River Food BankRainy RiverOpen the 3rd Monday of each month (Tuesday if it's a holiday) from 10am-12pm.Food Bank807-488-5425
Red Lake Food Bank - Red Lake Indian Friendship CentreRed LakeRequires initial intake assessment to determine needs and family size
Open every Wednesday from 9am-12pm. Pick-up time can be arranged if needed.
Food Bank807-727-2847
Meals on WheelsRed LakeMeal delivery to Red Lake, Balmertown, and Cochenour - Monday-Friday from 4pm.
$6/meal (supper) - can accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies.
*Call to confirm eligibility and sign-up
Free/Low-Cost Food807-727-0141
Red Lake Food BoxRed LakeDiscounted food from Food Fair. Open every 3rd Wednesday.
$25/bag of food. Contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-727-2847
Emergency ShelterRed LakeFree meals and snacks throughout the day - open to all.
Breakfast - 6-8am; Lunch - 11:30am-1:30pm; Supper - 5-7pm.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-727-2430220 Howey St
New Starts for Women ShelterRed LakeAll women are welcome - call to make an appointment with the Outreach worker.
Free food items from fridge, freezer, and pantry.
Open Tuesday from 3-5pm and Friday from 9am-12pm.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-727-282010 Birch St
Ear Falls Food Bank - Red Lake Indian Friendship CentreEar Falls*Walk-in to register as a client.
Open every Tuesday from 10am-3pm. Contact for more details.
Food Bank807-222-344631 Pine St
Whispering Pines Senior Activity CenterEar Falls*Walk-in to register as a client ($10 fee).
Free coffee and toast Monday-Friday from 10am-12pm, free lunch every 3 months. Two annual free dinners (June/December).
Occasionally offers other food programs. Contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-222-308030 Spruce St
Salvation Army Food BankKenora*Call in advance to book a visit.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12:30-3:30pm by appointment. Can be accessed up to 2x/month.
Food Bank807-468-8452104 Matheson St S
Humble Harvest KenoraKenoraDonated and rescued food.
Open Wednesdays from 10am-3pm. Open to all - first come first serve.
Free/Low-Cost Food1301 Railway St
Women's Place KenoraKenoraTakeaway Tuesdays - grocery items donated by Safeway.
Call Tuesday mornings to reserve a bag.
Occasionally offers other food-related programming - contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-9095530 Third St N
Knox Church Food HampersKenoraEmergency food hampers.
Call the church office Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm for more information.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-6923116 Fifth Ave S
Minto EarlyON CentreKenoraOffers a variety of programming for children (0-6 years old) and their families. Contact for more details.
Baking-in-a-bag - Wednesdays pick-up.
Lunch drop-in Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays 12-1pm (not offered during the summer)
Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-31611181 Minto Ave
Kenora Youth Wellness HubKenoraOpen to youth ages 12-25.
Drop-in Monday-Friday from 12-6pm.
Offer a variety of food-related activities and free meals. Contact for more details.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-467-8468120 Main St S
Kenora Fellowship CenterKenoraDaily drop-in from 7:30am-3:30pm. Coffee, water and tea served all day, and lunch is served several times a week.
Supper served to people staying overnight in the emergency shelter.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-467-8205208 Water St
Ne-Chee Friendship CentreKenoraOccasionally offers food-related programming and events. Contact for more details.Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-5440326 Second St N
Meals on WheelsKenoraMeal delivery - Monday-Friday
*Eligible to anyone 65+ who struggles to eat consistently or is unable to cook independently. Call to enroll.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-4562
Ignace Food BankIgnaceEvery 2nd Thursday from 1-3pm.
Offers Christmas Cheer food hampers in December.
*Call to inquire about eligibility
Food Bank807-934-22901100 Main St
Meals on WheelsFort Frances;#Emo;#Rainy RiverMeal delivery Monday-Friday at 12pm (noon).
$8.50/meal (entrée, soup, and dessert).
*Eligible to anyone 65+ who struggles to eat consistently or is unable to cook independently. Call to enroll.
Free/Low-Cost Food807-274-2244
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)KenoraSupper and breakfast are offered to any individual who uses the Kenora Emergency Shelter overnight from 8:30 pm -8:00 am (shelter will be open from 4:00PM - 8:00AM beginning in October)Free/Low-Cost Food807-468-1838430 Second St S
The Food BoxIgnaceThe Anglican United church has a box where items are made available to anyone. Nonperishable items are available.Free/Low-Cost FoodJeanne Bryan, Anglican United Church
KD's Fine FoodsEar FallsProvides boxes of various items for discounted priceFree/Low-Cost Food807-222-108030 Spruce St
Ear Falls Food Bank - Red Lake Indian Friendship CentreEar FallsTuesday from 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Bring your own bag. Available once per month per household. Requires initial intake assessment to determine needs and family sizeFood Bank807-727-284731 Pine St

Last modified: 24 April 2024